Sunday, July 26, 2009

This is one of the cards my stamp club created this month. I cased the palm tree from someone. Will say who when I remember who it is.
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6x6 album page for His Holy Name Challenge at Splitcoast Stampers.
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Monday, July 13, 2009

I am very in to journaling lately and using mixed media on my pages. The below picture is a page out of one of my journals. First I painted the page with white gesso. Gesso keeps the paper from soaking up the paint and the permanent marker from bleeding through. Next, I painted the page with an acrylic paint called pear. I then decided my photos would need matting so I painted some mats using black acrylic paint. After gluing down my pictures (wallet size), I used a black permanent marker to add captions. Overall, I like how it turned out. It's messy but fun!!
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Snow Fun Album

Here are pictures of a mini album I recently created. I am just 2 years behind! Oh, well, better late than never.

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