Monday, August 31, 2009


I am holding my first Christmas Card stamp-a-stack class in a few weeks on September 18th. If you haven't signed up already, I need your registration and class fee ($15) by this Friday (the 4th) to allow time to order and receive supplies. I also need time to get the materials cut and ready to go. So don't delay. Friday will be here before you know it.
I hope to post some sneak peeks soon.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Cookie Cake

I have never claimed to be any kind of cake decorator, and this picture proves it. This lay-out shows Rayne's cookie cake for his 13th birthday. We aren't big cake eaters around here so I make birthday cookies instead. That part of this "cake" went ok. It was the decorating that went askew. I tried to make the number 13 with candles, but it didn't quite turn out. I had to tell them what it was supposed to be. lol. Hey at least he had candles. I usually always forget to buy them.
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Thursday, August 27, 2009


This is a lay-out I made for the faith-based-pages class I am taking online. I used part of the Basic Grey June Bug kit that I received last week during a Basic Grey class at the Creating Keepsakes Convention in Tulsa.
The red paper is SU!'s real red. I don't think I am finished with this lay-out yet, but I don't know what I am going to add to it. It just doesn't feel finished to me.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Summer Sunday

I like how this layout turned out, even if I am in the pictures. lol I rarely do a layout that has me in it.
I used the stamp set, Friends 24/7. It is one of my favorites.
I prefer to scan my layouts into my computer, but this one is a 12x12 and I haven't had the patience yet to figure out how to scan something that big. I am not even sure I have the proper software to do that. So I just took a picture of it, while it was hanging on the wall. I have an area where I hang layouts for awhile before placing them in an album.
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This picture has nothing to do with stamping. It just happens to be one of my favorite pictures. Rance is my youngest, and he is quite a character.
I know his name is unusual, but I was a teacher for 15 years, and it is hard to come up with a name that I haven't had in class before. For example, I used to like the name Zachary until I taught 1st grade. There were two Zacharies one year that ruined the name for me, and that is 'nuff said about that.
My other son's name is Rayne (rhymes with wayne.) Like I said it is hard to find names that I haven't had in class before.
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Monday, August 17, 2009

August Stamp Club Projects

Here are two of the projects my stamp club will be making this month.
The first one is a card that I CASED from Kristin Moore at sunshinesmilesstamps.blogspot. My card is not exactly like hers but the over-all idea came from her card.

The next project is a tile we will be making using one of Stampin Ups! decor stencils, Kind Thoughts.
I cased this idea from Kimberly Van Diepen at Stampin by the Sea. I love her blog. She is a very talented crafter and one of my all-time favorites.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Stephanie's Blog Candy

Go check out Stephanie's blog, with a grin, for a chance to win her blog candy. In case you don't know blog candy is some kind of prize that a blogger is giving away. So, go visit Stephanie and leave a comment to be eligible to win. But, before you go, be sure and sign up as one of my followers. The link is on the bottom right side. Thanks a lot!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I Believe

I am taking a class through the yahoo group called Faith Based Pages and this is my first layout called "I Believe." All papers are SU!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Scripture Challenge

Here is a page I made for Scripture Challenge 2009 on Splitcoast Stampers. I used retired designer paper in baja breeze. The other color is chocolate chip, one of my favs. When possible I scan my pages instead of taking pictures and in this scan the crystal brads on the bottom right don't look quite right. I should have taken a picture instead.
The flourish is sizzix accent #2, and the letters are basic grey I believe. They match really well with baja breeze.
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July GGS Album

This is the album I made for Kathy as part of the Girls Gone Scrappy album trade. The paper is retired SU! I wish it hadn't retired because I love it!!! I made the album using the chipboard sheets that come in the back of the SU! paper packs.

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