Monday, November 30, 2009

Season of Friendship 2

I love how this card turned out!!! I CASEd it from mugsie on the Splitcoast Stampers site.
She embossed her snowflakes, but I was too lazy. It still turned out really cute. I do however want to add some dazzling diamonds on the "torn" part of the snow at the bottom. I think this will have to be one of my Christmas cards for this year. It is so simple yet very pretty.
I used:
cardstock: real red, basic black, kraft, and whisper white
stamps: season of friendship and Christmas greetings
ink: soft suede, real red, whisper white

Fall Scrapbook pages

A few weeks ago my family and I went to a local park and took family pictures of ourselves. These are just some of the photos we took. I used the Autumn Meadows paper pack for everything except the leaves and Fall 2009. I love Autumn Meadows and have used it on several projects so far. I hope it makes it into the main catalog next year.

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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Stamping 411

This is a card I created using the sketch from the Stamping 411 site. This is the first time I tried one of their challenges, and I really enjoyed it. If you need some fresh ideas go check them out.
They post a new stamping challenge every Saturday.
I used
stamps: Snow Buddies
paper: soft suede, real red, and old olive
other: petal a plenty embossing folder

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Season of Friendship

I have been wanting this stamp set for literally a year, and I finally have it! I love trees for some reason. I seem to be more drawn to them than I am flowers.
This is my first time to ink up this set, and this was a quick and simple card to make. I think I'll send to my grandmother.
This is what I used:
ink: soft suede, ruby red, dusty durango, and crushed curry
paper: very vanilla, soft suede, and Autumn Meadows
stamps: Season of Friendship

Friday, November 27, 2009

Here is one scrapbook page and one photo page refill, filled front and back, with pictures of my niece's wedding. Of course I uploaded them in the opposite order from what I meant to. One day I will get the blogging stuff figured out. Anyway, these are pictures of my niece's wedding that I am scrapping for my mom for Christmas. She was unable to be at the wedding because she was staying with my grandmother who was in the hospital at the time. (My family doesn't let family members stay in the hospital alone.)
I have so many pictures to scrap for my mom that I decided to "scrap" some of them in photo page refills. I slip pictures into most slots and scrap one or two of the slots. For example, in the middle picture above I put the word Poppa in one of the slots. The rest are filled with pictures that have my Poppa in them. These are very special pictures because they were taken in April and Pop passed away in September. Please keep me in your prayers because losing him has been very very hard on me. He was a very special grandfather, and I miss him so very much!
The top picture of the scrapbook page are pictures that I couldn't cut down to a 3.5 x 5 size or they were left over after filling the photo refill page. I used chocolate chip, and baja breeze cardstock (retired). The designer paper I used on the refill page is also retired. It is left over from when I scrapped these pictures the first time for my niece herself. You know, I haven't scrapped these pictures for myself yet. Oh, well, I'll get them for myself eventually.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Sixth Day of Christmas

Still trying to get a caught up. Here is my sixth day of Christmas.
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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

December's 8x8 Page

I haven't blogged in several days. I have been really busy. Here is the scrapbook page my club will be making for December. I used the stamp set Delightful Decorations and used the ornament punch to punch out the ornaments after I stamped them. Gotta love the ornament punch! It is so much quicker that cutting.
The stamp I used in the corners is from the stamp set, Patterned Pines. It is a hostess gift in the Holiday Mini catalog. I really love that stamp set. We used it in our stamp-a-stack that we had last week. I hope to post a picture of the cards we made soon.
Back to the scrapbook page, I love the colors used on it. The bold colors are taken with teal and ruby red. The neutral color is sahara sand. I got my color inspiration from the Christmas paper set, Holiday Lounge (115676). It is on page 162 in the main catalog. I love the color and look forward to using these papers in more projects.

Stay tuned. I hope to have more posted soon.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

5Th Day of Christmas

I am going to get caught up. I am. I am. Here is my 5th day.
It is very interesting learning the meanings behind each verse of the song.
This page is rather plain and simple, but I like it anyway. To make the rings I first punched a circle with the 1 1/4 punch. Then I used the 1 3/4 punch to punch around the hole left by the first punch, and there you have a golden ring. I used Stampin' Up!'s in color, crushed curry, to make the rings. It is a very rich color. All of our in colors are. I am not really a pastel person. I like rich and vibrant colors.
Please stop back by tomorrow. I hope to have Day 6 completed!!!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

4th Day of Christmas

I am so behind with my 12 Days of Christmas. Oh, well, here is my fourth day. I found these birds in clipart and thought they were perfect. If I had Stampin' Up!'s My Digital Studio I could have made a digital page, but I don't have it yet. Maybe, I'll get it for Christmas.

I just want to say thank you to all of you that left such sweet and kind comments during the blog hop I was a part of over the weekend. It was my first ever blog hop, and I look forward to participating in more in the future.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Welcome to Scrapbook News and Review Magazine's A Faith Perspective Thankful for Friends Faith Blog Hop. Today, we're out in force on the internet -- showing our faith and giving the glory to God. United, we stand as Christian paper crafters and blow owners to make a presence on the internet for all to see. We're celebrating the theme of friends and we're happy to share our projects with based on the verse: "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. " Ecc4:9-10a

If you're just joining in on the fun, you can find the start of the train here: . First, we would like to take a moment to thank our generous co-sponsors: Layers of Colors Stamps, Gina K Designs Stamps and Sweet ‘n Sassy Stamps. Together with Scrapbook News and Review Magazine, these companies have donated some wonderful prizes for today’s blog hop.
Prizes? Oh, yeah! There will be three lucky grand prize winners for today’s event.

To enter, simply hop to the blogs of all of the participating staff members of Scrapbook News and Review Magazine, take note of the staff member’s name, and leave a comment on their posts. Then send us an email at listing each of the staff members who participated in today’s hop. It’s that easy. All entries must be received by Monday, November 16, 2009 at 12 noon, EST and three winners will be randomly chosen to win.
What are the prizes?

One $100 gift certificate from Layers of Colors Stamps AND a 6 month subscription to Scrapbook News and Review Magazine.
One basket of goodies -- four stamp sets from Gina K Designs and a 6 month subscription to Scrapbook News and Review Magazine.
One set of digital stamps from Sweet ‘n ‘Sassy Stamps and a 3 month subscription to Scrapbook News and Review Magazine.
In addition, every participating staff member of Scrapbook News and Review Magazine will offer a free one-month subscription to the magazine to one of their lucky visitors by simply for leaving a comment on their blog. That's a lot of chances to win, so let’s get to the Hop!

Friends are a blessing from our Heavenly Father! Friends that share your faith in Him are an even greater blessing, and friends that share your faith and your love for scrapbooking are a triple blessing!
The picture below shows me (the blonde) and my good friend Angela at a scrapbooking convention. We had a great time and are already looking forward to next year's event.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

The next stop on this blog hop is:

Thursday, November 12, 2009

November's 8x8

Do you ever complete a project and then come back to it later and see all the things you wish you had done to it? That is how I feel about this page. I love the colors, taken with teal, ruby red, really rust, and close to cocoa. I do however wish I had inked the edges of all the punched out leaf circles.
You can't tell from the picture, but I used the edge distresser in stampin up!'s cutter kit (106958) on the photo mat to give it a more rustic feel.
This is the scrapbook page my stamp club is making this month. I love the stamp set. It is called Falling Leaves (115368).

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Faith Sisters- My Lifetime Story

I am so excited about a project that will be starting soon at Faith Sisters. Below is the information from their site:

As the year is coming to an end we are busy planning for next year. In 2010 we are going back to the basics of leaving a legacy of faith. This years challenges are all focused on YOU and your lifetime story. When you join us in this challenge you will be creating a mini-autobiography. We are counting down the days till January 6th because we are so stinkin' excited about the My Lifetime Story challenges!!!
Wouldn't you to know what your grandma's favorite toy was as a child, how she felt when she met your grandpa, her favorite scripture and the song that expressed her heart? Your children and grandchildren will have that treasure when you join us in this challenge! We will start out with your family roots in January and move into your childhood in February. We will continue throughout the year with your teen and adult years as well. The last challenge of the year will be a letter to your future generations or anyone who reads your book.
Each of our stories is important. This is a book that everyone should create about themselves. It will be the most treasured album of your family. As you create this album about your lifetime story you will be leaving YOUR LEGACY OF FAITH. This is an album that can make an impact in your life as you create it, but it will also create a major impact in the lives of your family both now and in future generations. As your children read your story in this scrapbook that YOU created, they will take your stories to heart. Your stories may have more impact on them than even Bible stories, because they are personal and from someone they know and . When friends and neighbors pick up your storybook and look through it you will be witnessing without even saying a word. They will read your lifetime history and discover your of Jesus, and His forgiveness and faithfulness in your life!
The My Lifetime story challenges will begin the first Wednesday in January. A new challenge will be posted each Wednesday all throughout 2010. The last challenge will be posted the last Wednesday of December. Just because the challenge series ends at the end of 2010 doesn't mean your lifetime story album is finished. We will continue to offer periodic challenges to continue your autobiography and keep it current.
Please join us in this year long challenge! Some of these challenges may be layouts you have already completed. That is ok! We need to get these all compiled in your lifetime storybook. Everyone deserves to be the star of their own book, including and most importantly YOU! If you don't put some time aside to create your My Lifetime Story album now, you may never find the time. If something were to happen to you, would your legacy of faith be lost forever? Take action now, join us as we create our lifetime storybooks for the next generation to see the glorious work the Lord can do in the life of a woman that loves God!

12 Days of Christmas- Day 3

Here is my attempt at the third day of Christmas. I don't know why I am having such a hard time with these pages. Maybe by the time I get to day twelve I'll get the hang of it and like my pages better. The designer paper I used is one of my favorites. It is in the Holiday Mini Catalog and is called Autumn Meadows (116769). It has some really rich colors in it, and has a rustic look to it that I love.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

12 Days of Christmas- Day 2

I am so behind, but here is my page for the 2nd Day of Christmas. I just happened to have SU!'s On Board So Tweet chipboard (113893) which worked perfectly for my first two days. I don't know what I am going to do for day three. The Faith Sisters blog offers digital items to make the pages, but I am not a digital scrapbooker. At least not yet, so I don't have the software needed to use their templates and such. Oh, well stay tuned to see what I come up with next.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Halloween 2009

This is a two page spread using the designer paper, Night and Day (116768), that is in the holiday mini catalog. I didn't use hardly any embellishments because I like the paper so much. All the papers in this set are black and white including two acetate pages!!! There are also two pages that look like pages from an old book. I am hoping to show more project using this paper set later this week.
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Addilyn Presley Bogan

My great-niece is finally here. She was born on November the 8th at 11:08 am. She is so precious!!! I love her so much. This has been a very difficult year because I lost two grand-parents this year. But now God has given us a brand new beautiful baby girl!
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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I love the stamp set Friends 24/7 (113218). That is what I used for the background stamp on this card. It is not a Christmas set, but it is so elegant you could use it for just about any occasion. I love using stamps for other than their obvious intended use. The sentiment is from the stamp set, Christmas Greetings (115448). It is a two stamp set very reasonably priced at $10.95. I've seen single stamps priced higher than that at hobby stores. Stampin' Up is a great value!
Oh, and I cased this card from Jill Hilliard (imagine that) who cased it from Dawn McVey. I forgot to add the scallop border, but I still love this card. It was very easy to make. I didn't have a corduroy button so I backed a clear button that I had with matching basic gray cardstock. Easy-peasy.
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Sunday, November 1, 2009

God is faithful. Always. We aren't always faithful, but God never wavers. Others may fail us. We let ourselves down. But God will never fail us.
This is a page I made for the His Holy Name challenge at Splitcoast Stampers. Each week we have a word that describes God. Faithful is one of my favorites! I know how weak I am, and knowing God is ever faithful helps me make it day to day, especially when I am at my weakest.
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