Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Cottage Wall Designer Series Paper

Here is a scrapbook page I made using SU!'s Cottage Wall paper and Rich Razzleberry designer paper. I love the rich razzleberry color, and I love the Cottage Wall paper. The main green paper is from cottage wall. That series has a lot of other beautiful patterns also. Oh, and the layered flower was cut from the old olive dsp, and it coordinates beautifully with the other two designer papers that I used. Notice how the ribbon also coordinates beautifully.
I have a picture picked out for this page, but it seems I scrapped all my copies for others for Christmas presents and so have to print another one for myself.
Thanks for stopping by!!!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Poppa and Cody

I apologize for the picture. I forgot to crop it before I uploaded it, and you can see how messy my desk top is. The scrapbook page is done in a style I wouldn't usually do. I followed sketch #84 at Creative Scrappers. I like the rich vibrant colors I used, but I am not sure about the layout. Like I said it is not really my style. The picture is of my grandfather and my nephew not too long before my grandfather passed away this year. This picture is very special to me. I have had a very hard time dealing with Poppa's passing, but I am finally able to look at pictures of him at times. Sometimes I still can't look at his pictures.
Thanks for stopping by. I am off to work on a project I hope to post soon.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Eve Night

Here are some pictures I took late on Christmas Eve night. It started snowing around 6 p.m. and kept snowing until close to midnight. These are pictures out my front door. For the ground and sidewalk to be covered is a major snow in our neck of the woods. This was the first white Christmas we'd had since the 1970's.
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Friday, December 25, 2009

A White Christmas

We have a white Christmas in Arkansas! It's the first one we have had since the 70's. I am so excited and hope to post pictures soon.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Birthday Calendar

Here is an example of birthday/anniversary calendars I have made for Christmas gifts plus one for myself. I am the world's worst at forgetting birthdays including my own. LOL!!
Anyway this looks a lot better in person. You can't tell in the picture but there is glitter on the read mat around the white paper that says important dates to remember. I used Basic black cardstock, Night and Day dsp, and retired riding hood red ribbon and cardstock.
I need to stamp the inside pages but don't know if I will have time. We are having Christmas on my mom's side of the family TOMORROW so these gifts may be a little bare on the inside. Did you notice that the first birthday I have listed is Elvis's? Doesn't everyone need to know that?
I seriously get his and my dad's mixed up every year and have to ask my brother when my dad's is. Maybe now I can keep them straight!
Thanks for stopping by!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas Cards

Here are some cards I made using the Christmas Jingle Simply Scrappin' Kit by Stampin' Up! I've made these 8 cards so far and still have a lot of of kit left over and several projects to make. I am following the planner designed by my friend Diane at Diane's Designs. You can find her store here. She also has a Merry Moments Accordian Album planner that I plan to make. She makes really awesome and easy to follow planners. You can tell she has put a lot of hard work into them.
Her blog is also awesome. I hope to have a blog like hers one day.

Thanks for stopping by.

Christmas page

This is one of my favorite all time pictures. It was taken last year on Christmas Day exactly one week befor our mamaw had her stroke. She never fully recovered and later passed away in February so this picture is very special to me.
There is a clip at the top of the page because the page is hanging on the wall by the clip. I like to hang my scrapbook pages up for all to see for awhile before they go into an album.
On another note I am so excited because my blog has been picked twice this week to be listed on the Late Night Stampers Blog Find blog. Kelly searches the members blogs, and there are a lot of members, for projects, cards, etc. to list on LNS Blog Find blog. My posts from the 13th and 16th were picked and I am very honored!!!! Now I am off to make something creative because now I have a rep. to uphold.
Thanks for stopping by!!!!
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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Rudolph Card

Even though I feel that this card needs a little something, I still love it. I used the largest sizzix scalloped circle to make it. To turn it into a card, I folded a piece of very vanilla in half. I then positioned it so that the top three scallops didn't get cut, as you can tell by the flat fold at the top of the card. I got this idea from a tag I saw made by Heidi at Karpen Diem Stamps. She made a tag, but I decided to try and turn it into a card, and it worked! It even fits into a standard size envelope.
Its a little hard to tell in the picture but I covered Rudolph's red nose, that first punched out with a standard hole punch, with red stickles. Everything always looks better with a little bling!!
Thanks for stopping by!!!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Another Christmas Gift

This is an 8x10 canvas that I decorated for my dad for Christmas. The picture is of my dad, my youngest son, and my youngest nephew. They are 3 characters!!
The large flower is from SU!'s pretty kit. I colored it with ink. Covered it with versamark and then embossing powder. I love the shiny effect you get. The buttons are clear and I glued them to designer paper using crystal effects to make custom buttons. I hope my dad likes it. I have a few more canvases to make so I had better get busy.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas Gift

I have been making Christmas gifts like crazy, and I feel a little crazy right now.
This is an 11x14 (I think) canvas that I turned into a scrapbook page to give to my sister.
It shows my grandparents house and one of their out-buildings. Our Poppa passed away in September, and it has been very hard on us. He loved us so completely, and my sister and I miss him so very much.
First I painted the canvas a couple of times and then inked the edges with brown ink, maybe chocolate chip. I can't remember.
The pictures are 5x7s, and I matted them with very vanilla and ruby red. The ribbon is 1 inch double-stitched grosgrain in chocolate chip. You can find it on page 182 of the Idea Book and Catalog (#111849).
If you decide to make a "scrapbook page" out of a canvas be sure and use a really aggressive adhesive. I use glue dots to attach almost everything except the ribbon. For that I used my 1.5 inch xyron adhesive machine.
Thanks for looking and come back tomorrow for another Christmas present.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Scallop envelope treat box

Here is a treat box I made using four scallop envelopes. If you google scallop envelope box you can find all kinds of tutorials. It is a very easy box to make. I don't have anything in this one but you could fill it with just about anything. It would make a great box to put a teacher's gift in.
Thanks for stopping by.
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Friday, December 11, 2009

Gift Card Holder

Just a quick little post to show you this quick and easy gift card holder. Isn't it cute?! I first cut two chocolate chip scalloped squares using my big shot and the scallop square die. Add a little ribbon and dsp, cut out the envelope using the scallop envelope die and there you have it. It couldn't be any easier. I got the basic concept for this gift card holder from a challenge on SCS for demonstrators. The challenge project was a tea bag holder, but I adapted it to hold a gift card.

Thanks for stopping by.

If you would like to order click here.
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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Delightful Decorations and Ornament Punch 4

I love this card. I cased it from someone on SCS but I have lost the paper with her name on it.
I love fall colors and think this card is so cute. The ornament is made with the ornament punch. The top part of the acorn was made with a crimper, large oval punch and wide oval punch. If I can find the link to the person whom I cased, she has a tutorial on how to make the top of the acorn.
Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Ornament Punch and Delightful Decorations 3

Isn't this card cute? I CASED it from a card I saw here on Splitcoast Stampers. This card is so cute and playful and it shows another use of the stamp set Delightful Decorations. Yes, that is right. This card is made with a Christmas ornament stamp set! Who would have thought?
Stay tuned for another card using this stamp set tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Ornament Punch and Delightful Decorations 2

This card uses the stamp set Delightful Decoration and the ornament punch to make a flower. I got this idea from Rainy Day Creations. She did a much better job of making it look like a flower than I did, but as you can see this is another use of Delightful Decorations and the ornament punch. Who would ever know that this card was made from a Christmas ornament stamp set?
Stay tuned for another use for the stamp set tomorrow and thanks for stopping by!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Delightful Decorations and the ornament punch

This picture does not do this card justice. The center ornament is popped up and is covered with glitter. You can't tell from the photo though. I cased this picture from a card I saw here on SCS. I changed up the colors. I used bermuda bay, ruby red, and chocolate chip. I am really disappointed about how the colors came out in the picture.
This card was easy to make and I used the stamp set Delightful Decorations and the ornament punch. The ornament punch coordinates beautifully with the stamp set. All you have to do is stamp the ornament and punch it out with the punch. Easy peasy.
I don't like a stamp set that only has one way to use it so stayed tuned the next few days for non-Christmas uses of the stamp set and the punch.
Thanks for stopping by.
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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Memory Notebook

My niece had a baby on November 8th so I made her this notebook for her to write down things that her baby does that she doesn't want to forget. All this is is a composition notebook that I covered with retired SU! paper. The flower is one of the flowers in SU!'s pretties kit.
I covered both covers inside and out.
I have a similar notebook from when my boys were small, and they like me to read to them about the the funny things they said and did. My notebook though is plain and undecorated and really worn from a lot of use. It is something I will always treasure, and I want my niece Brittany to have a notebook of her own.
Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Rayne won 2nd place in the 7th- 8th grade spelling bee yesterday. Yay, Rayne.
Rance was in the 5th-6th grade spelling bee and said he came in 5th. Lex said Rance slammed down the microphone after he misspelled his word, but Rance denies it. lol
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Box in a Bag

Isn't this box in a bag cute?! Box in a bags are not new, but they are new to me. This is the first one I've ever made, and I love it. I didn't do anything fancy to it, but with this beautiful paper, Holiday Lounge (115676), you don't need to add anything fancy.
I love the colors and shapes used in Holiday Lounge. You can find it on page 162 of the idea book and catalog.
This is called a box in a bag because the inside base is a box base. I should have taken a picture before I assembled it.
The strip along the outside bottom is just a 1 inch strip that I scalloped with the scallop border punch.
I used to not like to make boxes because I am too impatient to use a lot of sticky strip. I have learned however that you can assemble boxes using Tombow Multi Purpose Adhesive. It is a really aggressive adhesive that sets up quickly. I used it on the inside base, but I do recommend sticky strip for the scalloped strip on the outside bottom.
I found a tutorial for making this box in a bag at Splitcoast Stampers on their resource page.
Oh, by the way this is one of the projects my stamp club will be making on Monday.
Thanks for looking.
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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Christmas Planner

Here is this year's version of my Christmas planner. Last year I made my planner using a file folder. This year I bought pocket folders when they were on sale at the beginnng of the school year. I cut the top of so that it measures 8 1/2 inches tall. I then folded it into four sections accordian style. Since it was already red, I just used a few pieces of designer paper for the inside. For the cover, I printed off the words Chrismas planner, layered som dsp and stamped and punch out a couple of ornaments from the delightful decoration stamp set. Easy as can be. I used a bulldog clip with some ribbbon tied on it to keep it closed. I printed the inside papers from OrganizedChristmas.com.
I don't know what I would do with out my planner. I do most of my shopping online and it really helps me keep up with what I have ordered and what has arrived. I also use it to keep up with what I have made for gifts so far. There are even calendars for the month of October- December. You'll just have to check out organizedchristmas.com to see what all they have to print for your planner.
Thanks for looking!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Season of Friendship 4

Here yet again, is anther card using the stamp set Season of Friendship. Can you tell I like trees? I have done all the seasons except for spring. The stamp set comes with a flower stamp and I haven't used it yet, so be prepared for at least one more card using Season of Friendship.

This card is very simple and I could have put more into it, but I think it is a simple and cute card just as it is. Sending someone a quick note can truly be quick and cute at the same time.

Whenever I make a card that uses dark card stock I like to put a light colored card stock on the inside to make writing a note easier. Here I also stamped a few leaves that I used on the front of the card.
What I used:
card stock: night of navy, whisper white, and old olive
ink: old olive, soft suede, real red
stamp set: season of friendship, and fundamental phrases

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Season of Friendship 3

Here is another card using the Season of Friendship stamp set. I got the concept for this card from Andrea Walford. You cut out a mask using the top note die, lay that over your card, and then sponge nearly navy onto the card. If you follow the link on her name you can watch a video showing how this technique is done.
I stamped the tree and the snowflakes using SU!'s platinum shimmer paint. The tree and snowflakes our shimmery in real life you just can't tell online. I love this paint and need to show more projects using it. Maybe I'll go work on that.
Here is what I used
card stock: whisper white
ink: nearly navy and night of navy
paint: platinum

Monday, November 30, 2009

Season of Friendship 2

I love how this card turned out!!! I CASEd it from mugsie on the Splitcoast Stampers site.
She embossed her snowflakes, but I was too lazy. It still turned out really cute. I do however want to add some dazzling diamonds on the "torn" part of the snow at the bottom. I think this will have to be one of my Christmas cards for this year. It is so simple yet very pretty.
I used:
cardstock: real red, basic black, kraft, and whisper white
stamps: season of friendship and Christmas greetings
ink: soft suede, real red, whisper white

Fall Scrapbook pages

A few weeks ago my family and I went to a local park and took family pictures of ourselves. These are just some of the photos we took. I used the Autumn Meadows paper pack for everything except the leaves and Fall 2009. I love Autumn Meadows and have used it on several projects so far. I hope it makes it into the main catalog next year.

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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Stamping 411

This is a card I created using the sketch from the Stamping 411 site. This is the first time I tried one of their challenges, and I really enjoyed it. If you need some fresh ideas go check them out.
They post a new stamping challenge every Saturday.
I used
stamps: Snow Buddies
paper: soft suede, real red, and old olive
other: petal a plenty embossing folder

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Season of Friendship

I have been wanting this stamp set for literally a year, and I finally have it! I love trees for some reason. I seem to be more drawn to them than I am flowers.
This is my first time to ink up this set, and this was a quick and simple card to make. I think I'll send to my grandmother.
This is what I used:
ink: soft suede, ruby red, dusty durango, and crushed curry
paper: very vanilla, soft suede, and Autumn Meadows
stamps: Season of Friendship

Friday, November 27, 2009

Here is one scrapbook page and one photo page refill, filled front and back, with pictures of my niece's wedding. Of course I uploaded them in the opposite order from what I meant to. One day I will get the blogging stuff figured out. Anyway, these are pictures of my niece's wedding that I am scrapping for my mom for Christmas. She was unable to be at the wedding because she was staying with my grandmother who was in the hospital at the time. (My family doesn't let family members stay in the hospital alone.)
I have so many pictures to scrap for my mom that I decided to "scrap" some of them in photo page refills. I slip pictures into most slots and scrap one or two of the slots. For example, in the middle picture above I put the word Poppa in one of the slots. The rest are filled with pictures that have my Poppa in them. These are very special pictures because they were taken in April and Pop passed away in September. Please keep me in your prayers because losing him has been very very hard on me. He was a very special grandfather, and I miss him so very much!
The top picture of the scrapbook page are pictures that I couldn't cut down to a 3.5 x 5 size or they were left over after filling the photo refill page. I used chocolate chip, and baja breeze cardstock (retired). The designer paper I used on the refill page is also retired. It is left over from when I scrapped these pictures the first time for my niece herself. You know, I haven't scrapped these pictures for myself yet. Oh, well, I'll get them for myself eventually.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Sixth Day of Christmas

Still trying to get a caught up. Here is my sixth day of Christmas.
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